Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's Hard to Have Diabetes

It's hard to have diabetes.  I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I experienced.  On December 23, 2009, I was diagnosed with diabetes at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, New York.  I was brought into the hospital via ambulance after having stayed home from work for several days because I thought I was just "tired and burned out."  I almost slipped  into a diabetic coma, and doctors voiced their surprise that I had recovered, because my blood sugar level had exceeded 1000, and the were unable to get an accurate measurement.  My eyesight had deteriorated, and I was so weak that even a simple task such as picking up my handbag seemed like a major chore.  When I was ready to be discharged from the hospital, a nurse informed me that I would have to use Insulin for the rest of my life, and she proceeded to show me how to administer it.  I almost fainted when she showed me the needle, and I could not believe that this was something I would be resigned to do forever in order to stay alive.

My husband and I were determined to find a cure for me which did not involve prescription medication.  You can read the full story at my website   I had so many fears and concerns.  I was
  • terrified of losing my eyesight completely
  • afraid that I would no longer be able to work and end up losing our home and lifestyle
  • terrified by the possibility of amputation which I had heard so often results from diabetes
  • terrified of the possibility of developing concurrent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease as well as stroke
I overcame this deadly disease and reversed it by using holistic treatments.  I never gave up hope, and I never will give up hope. I "dared to win."  You can too!

I recently "discovered" a new holistic remedy for diabetes called the Natural Organic Diabetes Solution Supplement (NODSS).  After winning the fight against insulin and prescription medication in 2010, I had been using supplements produced by Invite Health, which are excellent products.  I was also using herbal formulas produced by Cosmic Enterprise Health Food Store.  Also excellent products.  I believe, however, that I discovered the "creme de la creme" of natural cures for diabetes.  The Natural Organic Diabetes Solution Supplement further reduced my blood sugar readings within three days.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not claiming this to be a miracle substance, however these are my personal results.  About a week later, I was given a flyer for this product, and - would you believe it --- the flyer states that most people see results within three to seven days.  I was so excited about the synchronicity of what I had experienced and then read just a week later! 

At that point, I decided that I wanted to personally market the product in addition to the verbal campaign of advocating natural cures which I had been involved with since 2010.  So here's the product:

Here is the website to order the Natural Organic Diabetes Solution Supplement or to get additional info:

Feel free to contact me on this blog, at my website or on my internet radio show,

This blog is getting kind of lengthy now, so I'll end it here.  Future blogs will give you more product information and an update on how I'm doing.  By the way - did I mention that my goal is for my fasting blood sugar level to be 100 or below by the end of this year?  Also, I will be sharing exercise, diet and spiritual practices which I personally use in my wellness routine.  It's a lot of work, I kid you not, but the rewards are outstanding.  More updates to follow.  I wish you all love, light, radiant health and success.

Much love,
Queen Mother

P.S. - for those of you in the New York City area, I lead a diabetes support group on Saturdays.  Inbox me if you're interested in participating.  It's free!!!


  1. Diabetes is not a KILLER disease or a silent killer anymore! YES, you heard it right!!! Surely
    Still can't believe if this is true? Read the article about the herbal remedy Cogent Db +, a 100% safe and scientifically proven Ayurveda product in the prestigious INDIAN MAGAZINE " THE WEEK " here:

  2. @Cybele Life, yes - we are in agreement that Diabetes is no longer a killer disease. There are many natural remedies on the market, several of which are quite effective. Take a look at my most recent post entitled "What's the Use" for the link to download a free ebook by John Austin, "The Causes of Over 200 Diseases."


  3. Now am completely cured from diabetes type 3 which i have suffered from for nine years,i have taking different type of medication but no solution,i got the contact of a doctor on net,and i contacted him,and that was how i got the cure (medication) of diabetes which i too for a week.for the past four month now i have been free from it am fully healed without any surgery.any one with such problem can also contact him (Dr mose) on +2348126012501 or
