Friday, February 8, 2013

Your Health is Your Wealth

So often, we hear the statement, "your health is your wealth"; but does this statement really, really resonate within your spirit?  I can vividly recall just a few short years ago when I almost lost my life to diabetes.  At the time I was in the Intensive Care Unit at Long Island College Hospital in New York City, and all I did was lay in bed in what seemed to be an endless fog.  Thoughts of money, possessions, what was happening at the house and the like did not cross my mind.  Even though I was not in any physical pain (thank God!), I was so physically ill that nothing much seemed to matter to me.  I can recall a man who was in the room next to mine passing away.  He was brought to the ward in the evening, and the following morning I saw a priest and several other arrive and they were standing around his bed (The room was enclosed in glass and I was able to see what was occurring.) What seemed to have been perhaps a couple of hours later, a doctor went into the room, and I heard him say, "he expired."  I was in such a "fog" at the time, that it did not occur to me until several weeks later what had actually happened - right next to me.

In retrospect, during the time period of my former illness (those of you who know me know that I have successfully reversed diabetes), it is clear to me that there is no amount of money in the world that matters when  you are on your death bed.  If it is your time to make your transition, money cannot help you.

So what's the message here?  Truly, your health is your wealth.  No matter what your present circumstances may be, whether you are happy or unhappy, living in "rags or riches,"  if you have your health, you have the ability to recreate your circumstances.

If this information has been of value to you, please share it with others!

With much love,
Queen Mother